الجمعة، 29 مايو 2009

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Farhan Faleh ALshammarie ID:2910100 S:24 H.W8

Difficult option

One of my favorite movies is difficult option .This drama

Movie and happened in 1989D IN Qatar.The characters

Of movie are Abdulaziz Gassem and Suad Abdullah.The

movie was talk about man his name is Manssur and his

daughter her name is Norah.This daughter was study in

university and she was ambitious.One day came a person

who works with her father in company to her father for

talk with him about a marriage from her daughter.This

person was independent and kind.Her father came to

Norah and told her but she do not agree.Her father was

Angry and stubborn then he said you must get married

and she wants ???complet her studing.Norah went to her

cousin his name Abdulaziz gassem for tell him with

what is happen?he was kind and loyal.He went to her father

and talk with him but he was stubborn .After two days she has

heart attacks and she can not talk. Her father was penitent from

his conduct.He came to Norah and he said Iam sorry but not benefit

because she can not do any thing and she can not talk with him.

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